As a former Michigander, it never fails to amaze me how early Spring arrives in Los Angeles.  One long ago April, I had planned my snowbird return to Detroit from Miami only to discover my flight was cancelled: SNOW.  In APRIL! Ah, but not here.  Wildflowers come into bloom, hillsides are fresh leaf green,  the roses start popping, tulips are opening by March and into April the Southland is delight with color.  The super bloom of last year’s poppies had me almost driving off the road on my way to Lancaster.  Not just orange, but yellow and purple swaths of color blanketing the hillsides.  Don’t forget April’s apple and cherry blossoms either.   All too soon the scorching heat of the summer months takes its toll so please - if you’re envisioning FLOWERS - book a date between now and April.  Rose gardens will extend into June-July.

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