It can be difficult to realize that the season has changed to autumn when you live in Southern California.  It sneaks up on you.  The visual images of colorful leaves, pumpkins, and scarecrows are alive in our mind when the AC is still running at full throttle.  But the calendar reminds us it is time to plan your year end holiday family photos. 

We may be enduring the final days of heat before the cooler weather kicks in, but there’s an advantage.  There are still gorgeous outdoor environments where we need not worry about snow, cold temps or rain.  From the beaches to the parks, there are beautiful backdrops to showcase your family. 

October through early December are the busiest for Your Baby My Camera.  It’s not only the holiday bookings.  Meanwhile pregnancy still happens.  Babies continue to be born.  Birthdays are celebrated. If you’re planning your annual family photos, please book early for any October through December sessions. 

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